




Ahead of the COP24 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Poland, new research on biomass potential claims it can be a ‘key solution’ in climate change mitigation. 



According to the recently published researched, the amount of domestically available biomass that is used for bioenergy in Europe can triplicate within sustainable and environmental limits whilst staying within ‘reasonable’ cost limits.


The COP24 meetings are focusing on the urgency of fighting climate change. Research into how biomass has a prominent role to play towards a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy has recently been highlighted in the EU’s new long-term strategy for decarbonisation. 


欧洲生物质能协会(Bioenergy Europe)表示,到2050年,生物能源是实现排放和清除之间平衡的最重要解决方案之一。其认为,生物能源是多功能和灵活的,可以帮助大幅减少运输、供暖和电力部门的碳排放。

Bioenergy Europe (formerly known as AEBIOM)  says that bioenergy represents one of the most important solutions to achieve a balance between emissions and removals by 2050. The trade association believes that bioenergy is versatile and flexible and can help to drastically cut carbon emissions in transport, heating and electricity sectors.

生物能源对2050年能源结构的贡献将取决于可持续生物质的可用性。欧洲生物质能协会指出,农业生物质在格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen)的AndréFaaij博士的研究中起着关键作用。研究表明,为了实现到2050年的潜力,农业生物质能的贡献将需要显着增加。它还需要变得与林业生物质产生的能量同等重要。

Bioenergy’s contribution towards the 2050 energy mix is to be determined by the availability of sustainable biomass. Bioenergy Europe states that agricultural biomass plays a key role in the research conducted by Professor Dr André Faaij of the University of Groningen. The research indicated that in order to achieve the potential by 2050, agricultural biomass’ energy contribution will need to significantly increase. It will also need to become as important as the energy that is produced from forest biomass.


欧洲生物质能协会秘书长Jean-Marc Jossart表示,关于生物质的文献综述为COP24决策者提供了一个机会,可以考虑生物能源的潜力,这是将全球变暖维持在建议水平的最可行解决方案之一。2050年将升温保持在1.5°C以下。现在,在卡托维兹的讨论必须集中于寻找改变经济以应对即将到来的气候变化挑战的方法。

Jean-Marc Jossart, Secretary-General of Bioenergy Europe states that, “The literature review offers an opportunity for decision-makers at COP24 to take into account the potential of bioenergy, one of the most viable solutions to maintaining global warming to the recommended level of +1.5°C by 2050. Discussions in Katovice must now focus on finding ways to transform our economies for the upcoming challenge of climate change.” 

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